Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rich Tolsma takes on vidiots

posted by Seun Olubodun
Are you a vidiot? That is, someone who doesn't know how to approach a video project ... so won't even try?

If you are, then it's time you got schooled in video production basics. Multimedia is fast becoming an expected component in marketing materials. Make one investment in a solid, expertly produced piece, and you can incorporate it on your Web site, share it on YouTube, embed it in your company blog, and more.

But you don't have to take our word for it. Hear it from the 'reel' deal: Rich Tolsma, producer, director, editor, and head honcho at Rich Tolsma Productions in Philadelphia.

We caught up with him at the CCPA event (the same evening that brought you Krista Bard), and pestered him with lots of questions about why and how businesses of all sizes implement the power of video.

Lucky for us -- and for you -- he had great answers. Listen, learn, and let your inner Spielberg loose!

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